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Timber purchase

We offer comprehensive services in the field of timber purchasing. You can trust us to provide you with professional, reliable and swift services. 

We buy from private forest owners as well as from forest enterprises all over the Czech Republic. We can also buy timber and pick it up at the agreed collection point and arrange subsequent transport by our own trucks to the final customer. 

How does the timber purchasing process work?

During the initial contact, we will arrange a personal meeting with you to inspect the timber you are offering. Based on the personal meeting, we will then determine a price offer. If you agree to our offer, we will arrange for the timber to be transported as soon as possible. A significant advantage is that we own several vehicles (with and without hydraulic arm). We are therefore not dependent on any carrier and the whole process of buying timber is really fast. 

What kind of timber do we buy?

  • Coniferous and deciduous trees found in the Czech Republic (spruce, larch, Douglas fir, pine, oak, beech, birch, maple, locust tree, fir, poplar, willow, hornbeam, alder) 
  • Round logs in two cuts, namely 3 - 6 m, and 7 - 12 m 
  • All fibre wood for further processing 
  • Any firewood (any length and wood species)

How do we determine the price of timber?

  • According to the type of wood and its quality
  • Based on the quantity of timber purchased 
  • Based on current market conditions

How to achieve the highest profit?

Reach out to us before you start logging. This way our team will be able to create the best price offer for you for your forest and location. 

If you have any questions about the purchase of timber or are interested in our services, please contact us. We will be happy to assist you. 

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